

筒井 英一郎/ツツイ エイイチロウ/Eiichiro Tsutsui

筒井 英一郎/ツツイ エイイチロウ/Eiichiro Tsutsui

所属 基盤教育センター(ひびきの分室)

役職/職名 准教授
学位(授与機関) 修士(教育学) (早稲田大学)
担当科目 英語Ⅰ?Ⅲ
略歴 2004.4-2006.3: 早稲田大学 助手
2006.4-2015.3: 広島国際大学 講師
専門分野 英語教育



Computer-Mediated Communication in the EFL context: Its Management Issues and Pedagogical Effects, 早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科 修士論文, 2003.


筒井英一郎 (2005). チャット分析.『英語教育グローバルデザイン』(中野美知子編著). 61-67.
筒井英一郎 (2015). CALL: ICTを活用した英語教育.『英語教育の実践的探究』(中野美知子編著). 428-462.


筒井英一郎 (2001). コンピュータを使った英語教育の考察および今後の課題. 清泉英語教育論集, 第6号, 115-125.

Tsutsui, E. (2004). What can EFL Learners learn from Computer-Mediated Communication Activities? Proceedings of the 8th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 473-480.
Tsutsui, E. (2004). Basic Analysis of Lexical Diversity and Density in Computer-Mediated Communication Data. 早稲田大学大学院教育学研究科紀要別冊, 第11号-2, 247-257.
Tsutsui, E. (2004). Graphic Features of Text-based Computer-Mediated Communication. Proceedings of the 8th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 519-523.
Tsutsui, E. (2004). An Implementation of Cross-Cultural Distance Learning at Waseda University Proceedings of the 8th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 491-502.
Tsutsui, E. (2004). Graphic Features of Text-based Computer-Mediated Communication. Proceedings of the 8th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 519-523.
Tsutsui, E. (2004). An Implementation of Cross-Cultural Distance Learning at Waseda University Proceedings of the 8th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 491-502.
Tsutsui, E. (2004). A Case Study of Cross-Cultural Differences and Similarities of Pragmatic Usages in Requesting Situations Learned through Computer-Mediated Communication Activities. Proceedings of the 31st JACET Summer Seminar, 93-98.
Tsutsui, E. (2004). Conversational Features of Text-based Computer-Mediated Communication. Proceedings of the 8th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 503-518.
Tsutsui, E. (2005). Exploring Learner Preferences in Cross-Cultural Distance Learning. Proceedings of the 9th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 395-405.
筒井英一郎、上田倫史、中野美知子 (2006). 「英語学習者の個人要因に関する一考察」 『早稲田教育評論』、第20巻-(1) 213-235

Tsutsui, E., Ueda, N. & Nakano, M. (2006). A multi-dimensional approach to analyzing individual differences of Japanese language learners of English. Proceedings of the 10th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 257-264.
Tsutsui, E. (2006) A diagnosis of Japanese EFL Learners' Individual Differences. Proceedings of the 11th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 281-289.

筒井英一郎、近藤悠介、中野美知子 (2007) , 日本人英語学習者の実践的発話能力に関する評価基準の検討―Common European Framework of Referencesを基盤として―. 第4回日本テスト学会発表論文抄録集. 88-91.

Tsutsui, E., Kondo, Y., Owada, K., & Nakano, M. (2007). Using Differential Item Functioning to Detect Individual Differences of Japanese EFL Learners. Proceedings of 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 174-175.

Tsutsui, E., Kondo, Y., & Nakano, M. (2007). Developing CEFR-based Can-do Descriptors to Assess Practical Communication Skills of Japanese Learners of English. Proceedings of 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 186-189.

Tsutsui, E. Owada, K., Kondo, Y., Ano, K. Ueda, N., & Nakano, M. (2007). Why do we Need to Teach Communication Strategies to Japanese EFL Learners? Proceedings of 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 192-195.

Tsutsui, E. (2007). Strategic Language Teaching: Using Moodle in EFL Contexts. Proceedings of 12th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 230-233.

Tsutsui, E., Nakano, M., Owada, K., Ano, K., Ueda, N. & Kondo, Y. (2008). Creating an Online Feedback System: EFL Learner's Strategy Use. Proceedings of 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 166-167

Tsutsui, E., Owada, K., Kondo Y., & Nakano, M. (2008). Developing a Self-reflection Tool for EFL Learners: CEFR-based Practical Communication Skills. Proceedings of 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 201-202

Tsutsui, E., Owada, K., Kondo Y., & Nakano, M. (2008). A Proposal for a New-dimensional Online Feedback System: Focusing on Individual Learner Differences. Association of Pacific Rim Universities 9th Distance Learning and the Internet Conference 2008, 107-109.

Tsutsui, E., Kondo Y., Owada, K., & Nakano, M. (2008). A Self-assessment Tool for Language Users in Tutorial English: Based on Common European Framework of References Association of Pacific Rim Universities 9th Distance Learning and the Internet Conference 2008, 171-175.

Tsutsui, E., Nakano, M., Owada, K., Ano, K., Ueda, N., & Kondo, Y.(2008). Creating an Online Feedback System: EFL Learner's Strategy Use Proceedings of 13th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 166-167.

Tsutsui, E., Owada, K., Ueda, N. & Nakano, M. (2009). Supporting and Assessing L2 Learners’ Self-regulated Learning Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 479-482.

筒井英一郎(編著) (2010). 『報告 英語学習者の個人特性の抽出と個に応じた英語学習コースナビゲーションシステムの開発』 ダイビス

Nakano, M. & Tsutsui, E. (2010). Three models of World Englishes and our personal perspective. Information Communication Technology: Practice and Research 2009, 195-210.

Nakano, M., Owada, K., Tustsui, E., & Kondo, Y. (2010). A Tentative Method of Reforming Your Assessment of English Abilities into International Standards such as CEFR (3). Proceedings of the 15th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 450-453.

Ueda, N, Tsutsui, E., Kondo, Y. & Nakano, M. (2010). A Case Study of Developing a Vocabulary Testing: A Progressive Report. Proceedings of the 15th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 482-485.

Tsutsui, E. (2010). Survey results on Japanese EFL Learners' Independent Learning. Proceedings of the 15th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 434-435.

Nakano, M., Owada, K., Ueda, N., Oya, M., Tsutsui, E.,& Kondo, Y. (2011). JACET-ICT Survey and Research Committee Special Symposium: A Study of On-line and Face-to-Face Interactions and CEFR-Based Certificates, Proceedings of the JACET 50th Commemorative International Convention, 118-125.

Nakano, M., Nishihori, Y., Tsutsui, E., Kondo, Y., and Oya, M. (2011). Methods of Automated Feedback Systems for Reading Aloud, Individual Differences and Reflection Papers. Proceedings of the JACET 50th Commemorative International Convention, 181-188.

Owada, K., Tsubaki, H., Tsutsui, E., & Muehleisen V.(2011). The Common Features Among 'Japanese Englishes', Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 325-328.

Norifumi Ueda, N., Owada, K. Tsutsui, E., Kondo, Y., Oya, M., & Nakano, M. (2011). A case study of developing a vocabulary testing (2): A progressive report. Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 375-380.

Tsutsui, E., Owada, K., Ueda, N. & Nakano, M. (2011). Giving a Wide Variety of Support to EFL Online Learners. Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 371-374.

Ueda, N., Tsutsui, E., Kondo, Y. & Nakano, M. (2012). Constructing a Vocabulary Test to Predict Learners' Proficiency Levels. Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 85-86.

Tsutsui, E. (2012). A Preliminary Study of Strategic Vocabulary Teaching: Is it the right time to renew the JACET 8000? Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 95-96.

Tsutsui, E., Owada, K., Ueda, N. & Nakano, M. (2012). Using Mobile Phones in English Reading Class. Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 67-68.

Owada, K. & Tsutsi, E. (2012). Contextual factors affecting Japanese English learners' use of unaccusative verbs. Proceedings of the 17th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 61-62.

Tsutsui, E., Owada, K., & Ueda, N. (2013). The use of Moodle as a tool for conducting and collecting data from animation-based tasks on English verbs. Proceedings of the 18th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, CD-ROM, P-21.

Tsutsui, E. (2013). Incorporating productive skills and fluency development into regular e-learning activities. Proceedings of the 18th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, CD-ROM P-9.

Owada, K.& Tsutsui, E. (2013). Japanese English learners’ preference for unaccusative verb forms in the animation-based context: A case study. Proceedings of the 18th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, CD-ROM, P-10.

Ueda, N., Owada, K., & Tsutsui, E.(2013). A Study on Prediction of L2 Learner's Vocabulary Knowledge by Application of Latent Rank Theory to a Vocabulary Test. Selected Papers of the 18th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 43-59.

Tsutsui, E. (2014). Creating an Online Diagnostic Feedback System for L2 Writing, Proceedings of the 19th Conference of Pan-pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 107-108.

Tsutsui, E., Ueda, N., & Owada, K. (2014). A study of diagnosing the depth of vocabulary knowledge. Proceedings of the 19th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 87-88.

Tsutsui, E. (2015). A Case Study of Flipped English Classes for Basic-Level EFL Learners. Proceedings of the 20th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 112-113.

Tsutsui, E., Owada, K., Ueda N., & Nakano, M. (2015). Technical and Mamagement Issues of Making Flipped Videos: How to get started. Proceedings of the 20th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 71-72.

筒井英一郎他 (2016). "多読による英語リーディング?スキル向上プロジェクトに関する研究報告" 広島国際大学総合教育センター紀要 第一巻, 41-57.

Tsutsui, E. (2016). "Assessing outside-of-class activities of individual EFL learners." Proceedings of the 21st Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. pp.84-85.

Tsutsui, E. (2016). "A Case Study on difficulties in Inflection and Affixation Forms in English Words for L2 learners. Proceedings of the 21st Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 74-75.

Tsutsui, E. (2017). "Setting tangible goals for speech presentation skills for Japanese EFL learners" Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 90-91.

Owada, K. and Tsutsui, E. (2017). "Japanese English learners' sensitivity to the transitivity of English verbs presented in the animation context" Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 118-119.

Ueda, N., Owada, K. & Tsutsui, E. (2017). "How Are Affix Knowledge and Vocabulary Size Linked in L2 Learners' Active Vocabulary?" Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 96-97.

筒井英一郎 (2018). 報告 実践レベルを?めるためのセルフアクセス教材?環境の構築とその教育的効果の検証. 1-188.

筒井英一郎 (2018). "教室に応用できるCCDL" JACET-ICT調査研究特別委員会 最終報告書, pp.79-88.

Tsutsui, E. (2018). "A Case Study of Self-Access Language Learning and Learner Development." Proceedings of the 23rd Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 99-100.

Owada, K. Tsutsui, E. & Ueda, N. (2018). "Japanese EFL learners' metalinguistic knowledge of transitivity of English verbs." Proceedings of the 23rd Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 107-108.

Ueda, N., Tsutsui, E., Owada, K., Wachi, K., & Nakano, M. (2018). "A Study on Evaluation of Vocabulary knowledge and Size of Junior High School, Senior High School and University Students from the perspective of CEFR-J." Proceedings of the 23rd Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Association of Applied Linguistics. 105-106.

Tsutsui, E. (2019). "Integrating collaborative learning into an extensive reading project with a focus on summary writing." Proceedings of the 24th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 120-121.

Tsutsui, E. and Owada, K. (2019). "Assessing Summary Writing Tasks through Comparison of Human Raters and Writing Checker Software." Proceedings of the 24th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 133-134.

筒井英一郎 (2019). "北九大生を対象とする英語学習診断システム開発に向けた基礎研究"基盤教育センター紀要 第33号 43-57.

大和田和治?筒井英一郎 (2021). 「アニメーション動画を利用した英語動詞教材の開発 -Kahoot!を使って自動詞構文の使い方を学ぶ-」 日本教材学会第33回研究発表大会研究発表要旨集 76-79.

筒井英一郎 (2022). 「英語リーディング?ライティング系科目における技能統合型スキルの養成―3年間にわたる実践報告―」 基盤教育センター紀要 第38号 29-60
