

北九州市による経済支援「応援給付金」について/About financial support "Student Support Benefits" by Kitakyushu City






詳しくは、北九州市ホームページを確認してください。(直接、北九州市へ電子申請できます。) https://www.city.kitakyushu.lg.jp/kikaku/20301133.html




About financial support "Student Support Benefits" by Kitakyushu City

To International Students

In Kitakyushu City, "Student Support Benefits" was established to support students who are in financial distress due to the effects of the new coronavirus infection.

This system is a benefit system unique to Kitakyushu City that supports students studying at universities in Kitakyushu City, which are in financial difficulty due to a significant decrease in part-time job income, so that they will not give up their studies.

There are requirements for application, such as being enrolled in the university as of January 14, 2021.

For details, please check the Kitakyushu City website.*You can apply directly to Kitakyushu City electronically. https://www.city.kitakyushu.lg.jp/kikaku/20301133.html

* International students are only eligible for privately funded international students.
Not eligible for MEXT and government-scholarship students.

* Please use the image on the passbook page as much as possible to prove that you have received the Emergency Student Support Handout by MEXT.

Added on March 5, 2021 ↓
 (Note) The above proof is only the national "EmergencyStudent Support Handout" provided by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO). Please note that the following items are not applicable.
 ? National special fixed-amount benefit (100,000 yen per person recorded in the Basic Resident Register on April 27, 2020)
 ? "Emergency small-lot funds" to apply to the Council of Social Welfare (loans of up to 200,000 yen)

It takes about a week to issue a certificate issued by the university. If you do not have the passbook to prove, please apply to the Student Affairs Division of each campus by Wednesday, March 10 so that you can meet the deadline for submission to Kitakyushu City.
